Jeanette Barnes
Born in Lancashire, Jeanette Barnes is a London based artist known for her large expressive charcoal drawings. Recent works have been...
Peter Barber
London architect Peter Barber is an advocate for heterogeneous architecture, buildings where people from different economic backgrounds...
SWAY Housing Need
In 2013 an affordable housing survey was carried out in Sway, commissioned by the New Forest District Council and the New Forest National...
Districts in SWAY
In previous projects it was identified that within Sway, despite it being a only a village, that there were different areas which could...
Potential Site 2
A second potential site for this project is where the former Sway Social Club and Old School are located. The social club has been unused...
Louis Barragan 1902-1988
Luis Barragan was a prominent Mexican architect acclaimed for his poetic architectural style, resulting in him winning the Pritzker Prize...
Retirement Living
Designed by Hampshire based architecture firm Ayre Chamberlin Gaunt this competition entry for a new retirement village in Bishop's...
Architecture of Happiness
I started reading this book in the hopes of gaining more of an insight into the ways in which architecture can be designed to inspire...
Potential Site 1
One of the potential sites for this project is located next to Sway Industrial Estate on an area of land which could be described as a...