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SWAY Development

Previous projects in Sway looked at the possibility for new developments in the village. Analysing the village resulted in the idea that there might be three viable development sites near the village centre that may be beneficial to Sway to be developed.

Site 1 - Land near Sway Industrial Estate

Site 2 - Land behind Hollies Close

Site 3 - Land off Church Lane

By developing sites near the centre of the village issues of lack of a community and isolation of residents could be avoided. Another reason to develop areas near the centre is to boost the activity in the village centre with the logic that more people in the immediate area may result in more people using the area and its facilities due to them being within walking distance. Part of the issue in Sway with the lack of an obvious community feel is due to the distance of the majority of the village is from the village centre, meaning people are less likely to walk to the centre so there is less interaction between locals.

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