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Potential Site 1

One of the potential sites for this project is located next to Sway Industrial Estate on an area of land which could be described as a backland of Sway. Outside of the previously defined development of the village the site could form part of a series of developments to improve the balance of the village.

This simple site analysis shows a few of the obvious issues with the site. For instance though the site is adjacent to the village development, it is also in an undeveloped area of the village in open green space. The site is also located near to the railway line creating noise pollution that may adversely affect the development. It is also opposite the industrial estate, which would mean the development could feel isolated from the village centre and adjacent dwellings due to its singular access route and lack of surrounding easily accessible neighbourhoods. The site is also on a slope looking into a valley, which provides its own issues, however, this provides opportunity for good views across the valley.

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