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SWAY Greens

The community feel is something that is seen to be lacking in most of today's towns and villages, and this has also been experienced in Sway. The village is made up of numerous long, meandering streets and generic cul-de-sacs that have little space for community interaction. The open green spaces allocated for the community, such as the sports ground, are generally away from any housing.

However, there are some examples in Sway of green space amongst housing, found in Set Thorns Estate, Highfield Close and Oakenbrow. None of these are perfect examples but Oakenbrow perhaps has more in common with the SPAN developments due to its more centrally set green space. Though some of the houses cluster around the green the road looping round breaks the connection, isolating it. From past visits to Sway it is understood this space is little used by the community, perhaps due to the limited interaction opportunities leading to the houses.

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